Monica Vitti

Post-war Europe was tailor-made for the existential, a time when it was so much easier to see what's wrong with ones life than what's right, and to have real reasons for doing so.

Existential Spokespeople abounded, but no one said anything with as much intelligence as Monica Vitti in the films of Michelangelo Antonioni.

"I don't dare look too long at the ocean for fear I'll lose interest in the earth." 


"There's something terrible about reality and I don't know what it is, and no one will tell me." 

Monica Vitti, from Antonioni's, "L'Eclisse", 1963, screen capture by author sometime in early 2017.

Monica Vitti, from Antonioni's, "L'Eclisse", 1963, screen capture by author sometime in early 2017.